You May Already Be Eligible For A Scholarship
Both non-resident freshmen and undergraduate transfer applicants are automatically considered for the Lobo Undergraduate Exchange (LUE) or Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) scholarship program upon admission.
- LUE/WUE recipients pay 1.5 times the resident tuition rate (est. $10,876 savings per year)
- LUE Plus/WUE Plus recipients pay the New Mexico resident tuition rate. (est. $16,290 savings per year)
Commit To Finish Your
Degree In Four Years!
UNM will pay the tuition costs of the final semester for new incoming first-time freshman who graduate in eight regular semesters.
Aim to Achieve ScholarshipTuition Savings!
$ 13,803
$ 52,537
Potential savings when compared to graduating in 5 years
Ignite Something
What if you could close your eyes and look forward one year? Four years? Forty years? What does your future look like, and how will you ignite it? Students at UNM can change the world. They can ignite a future they believe in, and one they will help to build. So, what will you ignite?
The Lobo Life is where the classroom ends and the “Land of Enchantment” begins. From mountains to concert halls, The Lobo Life is all of the experiences that make being a student at UNM magic.
Explore with the